Oasis Intergenerational Tutoring Program
2019 School District Facilitator
Fall Semester Survey
Date: 03-13-25
School District:
How many elementary schools participate in the program this year?  of  
How many new tutors joined your program this fall?
(Include those you trained and those other districts have trained for you.)
How many tutors returned from last year?
Total # tutors  
How many tutors do you plan to add before the end of this school year?
How many students in each grade are being tutored in one-on-one sessions?
(Include small group kindergarten sessions as well.)
First grade:
Second grade:
Third grade:
Fourth grade:
Total # students:
How many tutors help with group or class academic activities in addition to their one-on-one tutoring?
How many students are included in these other academic activities (total)?
What topics would you like to discuss on a quarterly tutoring network call?
Are you and/or your tutors using Tutor Power? In what way?
What topics and/or book series would you like to see offered in the fall selection/Tutor Power?
What ideas (monthly meetings, recruitment, placement, etc.) would you share that work well for you and could help others?
Please list any challenges your program is facing now.
What else can we do/provide that would be helpful to you?
Please share a tutoring story that could be featured on the website or in the media:

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For questions about this survey, please email mclick@oasisnet.org

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